Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Uncut Magazine

The front cover of 'Uncut' magazine shows a black and white picture of Jimmy Hendrix. The front cover image is monochrome, but other than that has not been photoshopped. The font is in upper case and bold, and with the colour scheme of pale yellow, yellow and red suggests that the magazine is for a more sophisticated audience. There is a masthead and a lot of cover stories but they are neatly listed down the right and left of the magazine, unlike Kerrang!, which is a lot more busy. The front and picture also reminds me of an old style rock theme, also suggesting that the magazine is for people who appreciate old rock-older audience. I think the colour scheme for tje front cover isnt as effective as 'Q' and 'Kerrang!' because even thought the colours are similiar, the mustard yellow links with the mature theme of the magazine and I feel that the bright red has just been used to draw attention ot the magazine. This effect is similiar to 'Kerrang'! where bright yellow is used to help attract the buyer to words which might make them want to buy the magazine, such as 'Free CD'. The masthead is also fairly simple, unlike 'Kerrang' magazine which has effects to make it look shattered and give it a certain edge, Uncut is just plain white, but is given a shadow to make it look three dimensional and 'stand out'.
The contents page of 'Uncut' magazine unlike most magazine, has the contents list down the left hand side of the page so that the reader has to fully open the page to see whats inside. The contents page is fairly simple but practical, and doesnt contain things such as subscription informaton or letters from the editors. The features are at the top of the list in a larger font from the regulars which are down at the bottom. The contents page only had one picture, linking with the article on page 62, so instead of having pictures linking to the feature articles the editor of uncut simply writes information underneath the title. I think this makes the contents page look more neat than most magazine.

The double page spread for 'Uncut' magazine if for Jimmy Hendrix, and online most double page spreads in magazine, there is less editing and the layout is much more natural. The first page of the spread is of Jimmy Hendrix, posing is vibrant clothing with guns looking heroic, linking in with the article name 'Cry Freedom'. Although the picture is very posed, it doesn't look as if it has been photoshopped or that the background has been photoshopped in, giving the picture a very natural and realistic effect. On the opposite page is where the article starts. The title for it is 'Cry Freedom' which is written in lower case swirly writing which can come across as being feminine and natural. The colours are also very neutral on the page, only 2 colours of blue have been used to brighten up the title but other than that the background is a plain white with thin black text.

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