The front cover of 'Q' magazine shows an image of cheryl cole, a masthead, lead article and a strapline. Although cheryl cole is the lead article, the front cover shows no pull quotes or any other information about whats inside the magazine, so it dosnt really give anyone who isnt a a fan of cheryl cole, an incentive to buy it. However, the overall layout of the front cover and the image of cheryl cole whipping her hair back, slightly covering the masthead 'Q' is a very effective. The colours on the front of the magazine are red, white, grey and black, which link with the certain image cheryl cole may trying to percieve but also consistantly links with most issues of 'Q' magaine, so its easily recognisable to its target audeince. Although there isnt much, the font style on the front cover of the magazine tells us more about the artist and what she is trying to acheive. With the first word 'Cheryl' in thin curvy writing which people associate with being feminine, then 'Cole Rocks' in bold upper case writing. The front cover of just Cheryl Cole, being a well know pop based musical figure, could also give people who dont know the magazine a very biased view about whats inside, when 'Q' is usually seen as a well rounded music magazine. -photoshop-
The contents page of 'Q' magazine consists of the colours black, red and white, which is similiar throughout the magazine. The contents of the magazine are neatly listed down the right hand side of the page, with pictures on the right which link to certain regulars inside the magazine. Some of the pictures show small images of the double page spreads to give the audience an idea about the article and shows whats it looks like so its easier to locate. The colour scheme of the contents page also links with what the people are wearing, with the article of page 34, the model is wearing a black t-shirt with red writing, and and hat with red and black feathers on it. I think the reason for this is that there is little white space on the page,so by linking in a colour scheme is makes the page less busy and easier for the audience to read.
The double page spread in 'Q' magazine is about artsts joining together to make a super group. The lead image on the page to the left, with all the information of the right. The thing that pulls you into the article is the title 'Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?' because the text is bold and white, which contrasts with the background but also because it fills up most of the page. There is also a red image of a bird above the text which links with the article about artists joining up to make a super group 'Them crooked vultures'. The colour scheme is the same as most pages of Q magazine, but in this article the red and also the vulture, giving connatations of danger, which links with the text at the bottom of the page 'WARNING:CONTAINS VULTURE FACTS'. Because the name 'Them crooked vultures' is different and might be unrecognisable to some people, a red background has been put behind it to conrast with the white, and it helps the article stand out more an each red image roughly gives an idea to the audience what the article is about. The image to the right shows a member of each band staring at the ceiling linking with the title of the article 'Is is a bird, is it a plane?'. The image is also rather dark, but has been photoshopped so the background looks like it has a type of gradient, and light and shadow have been added to the picture to almost make the artists look heroic and biblical. This gives a strong idea that the artist believes they know that their super group is going to seceed and be accepted by the public, and the connontation from the vultures might give the idea that 'they are going to pick up what is left from any bands they have watched fail'.
Overall, from what we have evaluation 'Q' gives an in depth view into different types of music. The VAL's for 'Q' magazine would be an average age of 25+ because of how in depth the magazine in. Their values would probably be their into mainstream music, and their aspirations would be to value people in music or become interested in the music industry themselves. Thier lifestle would be sociable, working class (C).
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